If this bear could speak.
It would say the most lovely things.
He would say I was there with you while you rocked your first baby to sleep. While you nursed in the quiet of the night when all the world felt still.
He would say I was there during the day as you talked, coo’d and laughed with your daughter, the two of you sharing special moments as you taught her how to talk and communicate. How to be silly. How to have fun. I was also there as you read book after book during the day and before bed. Books read so many times that you were able to recite them by heart. And sometimes you changed the story to be funny and see if she was listening.
She would say I was there when you welcomed your son, where you repeated those same special moments. To make him feel special and loved.
She would say I was with you through the hard nights too, when your babies were sick in the night. When you were tired but they couldn’t breathe with stuffy noses, coughs and fevers. You would stand for hours rocking them to sleep, comforting them with quiet “shhh’s” and some times singing or humming quiet songs just so they could hear your voice.
She would say I could tell you loved those special moments with your babies. When all the world seemed to not exist. Nothing else mattered but the special time in that space. You seemed to know this time was fleeting. Short.
She would say she watched as your babies grew older. You were still able to hold them but they continued to grow and grow. You held them in your arms as long as you could because you knew this time wouldn’t last and children aren’t meant to stay small.
It would say it remembered with children getting older, that meant its time was also getting shorter. It had become tattered and worn. It’s nose torn from a pet. That meant kids bedrooms change, they find their own style. With their own style comes fresh looks and toys. It’s when a mother looks back and remembers me being there. And the no longer babies don’t know all the special moments we’ve cherished.
If this bear could speak.
It would say the most lovely things.